After visiting the Discovery Center for our class workshop I couldn't wait to take my almost two year old daughter, Kinleigh! I have lived in the Murfreesboro area for a long time and have never been until then. We made a girls day out of it, and my Mom and I took her the following Saturday.
We arrived at 10am when they opened, which was great because we were able to have more time in each activity because it wasn't to busy yet. It was an awesome adventure for all of us. She went right to it as soon as we got in the door. She was able to touch and explore so many different things.
One of her favorite activities was getting to play in the rock area, basically it is comparable to a huge sand box except filled with rocks. While she was scooping and moving the rocks around she would say "Look Mommy big rock, small rock" and she even named some of the colors of the rocks. She was able to paint. use markers, crayons, and other fun things to be creative with.
We played most of the time in the large area that is designated for ages 2-5. Kinleigh was able to interact with other children her age and explore with them. It was set up in stations, music, home living, blocks, and books, were among many of the different areas. There was a giant tree house in the middle that she was able to climb in, which she absolutely thought was the coolest thing ever! She was able to explore many different aspects of science in just a few hours. Watching her was so much fun, it was incredible to see how she instantly knew how to go about some of the activities that she had never done.
Our day at the Discovery Center really reminded me that children, even that young are naturally curious and creative little thinkers, a lot more than some give them credit for! We all had such a great day and have decided that we will be making many more day dates at the Discovery Center.